No.1 reason why people will not trust your app!

In today’s world of technology when everything around us is just a click away, Having a Smartphone app is a really great move for promoting your business for further levels of success. But what about the competition in the app stores? There are reportedly more than 3.04 million apps currently live and there are thousands of apps released daily on the Google Play store. Now, In this electrical noisy jungle; building a trustworthy app for your audience is the main challenge!

Well, there are many points about how you can build a trustworthy app, but really few will tell you what you should not do when aiming to build a trustworthy app! Something, because of which a person will never trust your app. And that’s what we have for you today! Today, we are discussing The No.1 reason why people will not trust your app!

Stay tuned to find out more about it, including the solution!

Let’s get started…

“The main reason, and probably the most ultimate reason for not trusting an app is not having enough digital credibility a.k.a. Not having an Official Website!“

Why will people not trust your app if it doesn’t have a Website?

Websites are the real deal! Believe it or not, in the digital world owning your own website on the internet is just similar to owning your own office building on a busy market street! It gives you credibility, recognition, and a sense of trust to anyone who looks at you!

As you know, the same rules of the human world are applied there, it just makes you the big fish and adds up respect towards you from your audience and potential customers. In short, having a well-developed and updated Website is a winning bid for your business!

Now, as you know the basic reason and its clarification; let us tell you some more information about this Website. Why is it actually so Important?

Importance of Website in today’s internet world :

Top 7 Reasons why you must have one…

  1. Websites are important for visibility

Websites give your business the necessary visibility in the mainline. The people who want your services will get to know about your business and you more effectively through your website than any other advertising platform as you know we all first ‘Search’. So, to get a little closer to your potential customer’s you must consider having a website.

  1. Share your vision for the future

As a website is a place where you have your space to share yourself with your audience, as a business it can be a very important advantage for you to share your vision for the future. Especially if you are someone who deals with tech it is a great thing to point out.

  1. Your competitors are already online

It is something to consider very seriously! In this digital era, there are high chances that all your competitors already have their websites and they are stealing all your potential customers and business opportunity cause people to see them first. So, on this call, you must take action towards making your own website.

  1. Strictly operating on social media platforms is unwise

Don’t make the mistake of doing everything from a social media platform. Your identity and content are ultimately in someone else’s hands, and those hands could one day vanish, taking all of your hard work with them. Use social media, but build a website from which you can advertise your presence to the whole world.

  1. Attract top talent to your company

If you want to recruit people for your company or business, having a website can help you with that too. As having a website gives you more exposure, you are more likely to come across great people through the source of the internet. It will be beneficial for you.

  1. Content marketing becomes much easier

If you have business regarding content marketing, having a website is a must thing! As on your website you have all your freedom of content publishing and all related topics, content marketing will be a lot easier for you through your own website.

On this note basically, you should have a website!

  1. A source for additional income

Having your own website can result in some additional income, through paid advertisement on your website as well as by selling your own paid content. It will help you financially as well as to create another income stream for you on which you can rely. In addition to that, it gives you that internet richness and credibility too.

So, here were the 7 top things why you must have a website and how it will definitely help you in your business.

Now, moving on to our next topic ‘If I have a mobile app already do I need to have a website?’ Well for the best result, the answer is Yes!! and here is why!

Why you should have a website along with your mobile app

When there are a lot of articles telling people to have mobile applications over websites, as a professional in this field we really suggest you have a website too. Whether you have an app or not, even if you have a well developed mobile application, having a professional website for your business will definitely add a lot to it.

By all the reasons and pros mentioned above, it is clear that having a website will benefit a business more than anything in today’s business world; where everything is digital.

The simple thing is if an app is your digital product, a website will be your digital office and that’s what we are talking about here!

On this note, we recommend you to have a good website along with your mobile app.

So, here we caught up today! Today, we have seen the no.1 reason why people will not trust your app and all other information regarding it. If you have any queries, questions, additional information, or even praises the comment box is all yours! You can tell us your thoughts there, we will love to hear from you. There are many other blog posts that will definitely help you, we recommend you to check them too. We hope to see you in another blogpost of Applanding, and until then see ya!